Clean Cut’s 12 Days of Christmas: “Part 1 – They’re Coming”
Remember last Christmas, after everybody left and you collapsed on the bed, thinking, “I’ve been on vacation for a week. Why am I so tired?”
Let us jog your memory.
You always end up working harder than you think you will playing host for the holidays, and we’re going to remind you with our very own rendition of “The 12 Days of Christmas”.
Just sing it in your head as we go, “On the 12th day of Christmas, my family gave to me …”
“12 Cards a-Mailing”
Time to send out the holiday greeting cards and invitations again. You make the appointment with the photographer, get the family together, wait for the photos to come back, choose what pics you’re going to use (“What is that face I was making? Was I about to vomit?”), make your list, address the envelopes … It’s basically a part-time job, isn’t it?
“11 Projects Piling”
Speaking of jobs, it’s always a challenge getting work out of the way so you can take that time off. You work through lunch, start earlier, end later, so you can clear your calendar for a week. Of course, you’ll still end up playing catch-up afterward. It’s hard work not working!
“10 Trips to Target”
You know how this goes. You make your list, get a few things in between errands. Shoot, got the wrong thing. You go back to exchange it. You get an email: Uncle Jerry wants a bread maker. You add it to your list, go back, get a few more things. Back at home you realize you need batteries for Jimmy’s toys. You wonder why you don’t just order everything online, then you remember you need milk anyway …
“9 Tips for Baking”
Grandma sends you her cranberry salad recipe, your brother wants you to make eggnog (he’ll bring the bourbon), your doctor told you to lay off saturated fats now that you have high cholesterol so you’re looking up healthy dishes. You think about trying out for Master Chef because supposedly you can make anything.
“8 In-laws Driving”
Nobody can ever seem to remember how to get to your house. You find yourself responding to emails and text messages asking for directions with the same thing you tell them every time: “Just look for the house with the AWESOME landscaping work, where the driveway and walks are always clear of snow, courtesy Clean Cut Lawn and Landscape!” (Right? Or is that just in our heads?)
“7 Strands a-Lighting”
The nieces and nephews will be so excited to see those lights twinkle out front when they come in. You only need seven to light the front porch and trees. You untangle 20 or more strands and plug them in, one by one.
Surely you have enough … or not. All the lights work on three of them. You go back to Target (you have a gift or two to pick up anyway). You wanted to get this done before dinner; by the time you’re up on the ladder you’re ready for bed.
That’s just when the snow starts falling …
In Part 2 we’ll sing about the remaining 6 days of Christmas in “Part 2 – They’re Here!” Why? Because while you’re excited about having a great time with family this Christmas, don’t forget how stressful and time-consuming it can all be if you don’t get the help you need to make it through the season.
Do yourself a favor. Call Clean Cut to make a plan for snow removal so you have one less thing on your full holiday plate!
Clean Cut Lawn & Landscape
7415 W Jackson St
Muncie, IN 47304-9759
(765) 759-8575